
Meet Boamax and discover the future

  • 選才觀

    Concept of talent selection

    Both ability and political integrity, both inside and outside

  • 用才觀

    View of talent utilization

    reasonable authorization without doubt

  • 育才觀

    Concept of talent cultivation

    planned training for employees

  • 留才觀

    Talent retention concept

    expand development space, protect and improve economic interests

泾源县| 江西省| 宿州市| 滦平县| 商水县| 雅安市| 界首市| 温州市| 长垣县| 南雄市| 客服| 大同市| 大悟县| 南部县| 梨树县| 昭苏县| 甘孜县| 安平县| 维西| 莱芜市| 永嘉县| 景泰县| 潍坊市| 改则县| 即墨市| 丽水市| 临朐县| 呈贡县| 镇江市| 永寿县| 江西省| 益阳市| 汝州市| 庐江县| 茌平县| 江北区| 张家港市| 肇州县| 石狮市| 门头沟区| 喜德县|